Our Work in
Stakeholder Engagement
Using our networks in Parliament and Whitehall, we can develop an engagement strategy that helps your business or organisation to build strong working relationships with influential Parliamentarians and staff.
Our clients praise CalComms for its ability to develop political messaging that resonates with the right people, grows consensus and affect policy that matters to them.
Our senior consultants also joined the CalComms team from a trade or industry body background, allowing them to advise you on how your business or organisation can take a leadership role within the sector or sectors in which it operates.

Government and Regulatory
Our team has supported businesses and organisations to engage with government, regulators and arm’s length bodies through regular contact with key stakeholders and consultation responses.
Through doing so, we can ensure that your organisation becomes an authoritative government stakeholder for inquiries, evidence and policies.
Thought Leadership
CalComms draws its political consultants from a cross-section of British industry and third sector. Our team prides itself on becoming part of your organisation to better understand the policy nuances upon which your political strategy can be designed.
CalComms policy research has allowed our clientele to advise Parliament and Government on existing policy, while leading on recommending new policies through reports and legislative activity.
Monitoring and Analysis
Our team of in-house political and media data analysts provide your business with timely intelligence. This equips our political consultants to provide you with strategic counsel that enables you to make effective decisions on your business or organisation.
Our intelligence will be sent to you upon release, accompanied by bespoke analysis of how the news will affect your business, your objectives and the wider political strategy.

Political Media and PR
CalComms ensures that your business or organisation’s political strategy is equipped with relevant media expertise that means you can speak with authority and leadership within your policy area.
Our external affairs consultants possess vast experience in both proactive and reactive media delivery, giving your organisation the agility it needs within public debate.
All-Party Parliamentary Groups
CalComms is currently the secretariat for five All-Party Parliamentary Groups including:

A parliamentary group that provides a forum to discuss all aspects of Afghanistan’s political, development, security and humanitarian situation to improve HMG’s policies towards the country. The mission of the APPG is to facilitate a cross-disciplinary exchange about Afghanistan and its future within an ethical, citizen-centred framework. It will provide independent analysis to improve understanding of Afghanistan’s endemic issues and propose new mechanisms and solutions to influence decision-makers.

A parliamentary group that aims to raise awareness of bees and other pollinating species, and works towards a number of goals, including: to raise the importance of bees and pollinating species to the environment and national economy within Parliament, to provide solutions and pathways to the conservation, and growth, of bee and pollinator populations and to provide opportunities for policy discussion and consultation.

A parliamentary group that promotes free movement, trade and foreign policy between Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom. This is a cross-party group which works towards achieving a number of goals which involves close trade, economic, migration and security cooperation between the four nations. Our Post-Brexit foreign policy will define this Government for decades to come and how the United Kingdom interacts with countries across the globe will determine how successful Brexit will be.

A parliamentary group that seeks to raise awareness about the principles of Restorative Justice across the United Kingdom. This is a cross-party group which works towards achieving a number of goals which includes: to examine the use of restorative justice principles within the UK justice system and beyond, to raise the profile of restorative justice principles within Parliament and to provide opportunities for policy discussion and consultation.